International projects


ENSM has developed international activities and has signed partnerships with maritime academies and higher education institutions, both in France and abroad, in Europe and beyond. The choice of partnerships with non-maritime French and foreign higher education institutions is guided by several criteria:

  • Geographical proximity for French partners, as part of jointly developed training programmes (Universities of Le Havre and Nantes, engineering academies ENSTA Paris, Centrale Nantes, and École Navale),
  • Alignment with the two main fields of research developed within ENSM.

European and international partners are chosen from maritime institutions and academies which are member or partner countries of the Erasmus+ programme.

  • Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy, Constanta/Romania,
  • IMSSEA & Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile Genoa/Italy,
  • IMQ, Maritime Institute of Quebec,
  • ISEM (Higher Institute of Maritime Education) Casablanca,

Participation in the ERASMUS+ programme for the previous period was an opportunity to strengthen certain existing partnerships (in particular with RNA – Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy) and to develop new collaborations in response to calls for projects under the ERASMUS+ programme.

PHC Carlos Finlay

A Hubert Curien partnership (PHC) funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs was concluded between ENSM and Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas” (UCLV) located in Santa Clara, Cuba, in 2023. This PHC, lasting two years, aims to enhance the performance and potential of air quality measurement systems designed at ENSM and UCLV, to obtain a technical prototype usable in multiple environments.