Project presentation

The project is part of the French government’s roadmap for the ‘Ecological Ship’, in line with CORICAN’s ‘Intelligent Bridges’ roadmap. In line with the ADEME’s call for projects, the PASSION project addresses the following issues for ships :

  • Improved navigational safety and security
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Efficient production processes
  • Dissemination on board of new information technologies meeting the above requirements The aim of the project is to design, develop and validate an integrated navigation gateway.

The approach is characterised by the following elements :

  • An integrated approach to the entire navigation chain, from sensors to functional consoles (ECDIS, ARPA, etc.). Network and communication infrastructure issues are also an integral part of PASSION.
  • Modular architectures and interfaces that comply with the future interoperability standards currently being developed by the IMO. The PASSION gateway will therefore be able to adapt to a large number of on-board configurations. As explained below, two categories of vessel are initially targeted (passenger ships and offshore support vessels), but the gateway will be adaptable, subject to modification, for other types of vessel.
  • Focusing development on high added-value solutions. We see the PASSION gateway as a decision-making and operational support tool for the ship. This system correlates data from the various pieces of equipment, merges data from on-board sensors to provide a multi-criteria understanding of a situation, and prioritises the information to be presented to the bridge operator in a relevant and ergonomic way.
  • The use of the latest interface technologies. The PASSION project aims to be a forerunner in the application of new technologies from the aeronautical and automotive fields to maritime systems. The technologies selected have a level of technological maturity that is compatible with a market launch at the end of the project.
  • Finally, the ‘iron fish’ prototype resulting from the work of the consortium members will be installed in the CESIM (Centre d’expérimentation des systèmes innovants maritimes), on the ENSM’s Le Havre site. A virtual environment designed to stimulate the iron fish through specific interfaces will be used during an intensive test campaign to validate the concepts developed. At a later stage, this demonstrator, a technological showcase for the French maritime industry, will provide manufacturers with a test bed for their bridge equipment.


Durée du projet : septembre 2016 à décembre 2019

Role of ENSM

  • System lifecycle analysis,
  • Ergonomics participation,
  • Expertise in business uses and coordination of expert groups,
  • Development of specific training frameworks,
  • Reception of the demonstrator,
  • Design and management



Project manager : Jean-Pierre Clostermann                                  

Project team : Gersende le Dimna     Tabatha Thiebaut Rizzoni