The ENSM sea survival and rescue training centre
The ENSM CESAME Training Centre for Survival and Rescue at Sea is an educational tool for training merchant navy officer cadets and maintaining officers’ skills in the areas of abandon ship, survival at sea and rescue in accordance with the amended STCW Convention.
Located in Saint-Malo, the centre is unique in France. It is equipped with a free-fall type boat and a fire simulator. It makes its skills available to companies for crew training. ENSM CESAME offers revalidation courses to comply with the Manila amendments (amended STCW), CAERS, CAECSR, TIS, FBLI and CQALI.
Basic firefighting training familiarises students with the use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), followed by the development of skills for progressing in smoky environments and extinguishing fires on board ships.
As part of its continuing education programme, CESAME welcomes sailors from the commercial, fishing and pleasure boating sectors.

– Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Exploitation des Embarcations et Radeaux de Sauvetage / CAEERS (4.5 days)
– Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Exploitation des Canots de Secours Rapides / CAECSR (3 days)
– Individual Survival Techniques / TIS (2 days)
– Safety training on board passenger ships
(20 hours for officers, 16 hours for other staff)
– Other training courses :
Operation of marine evacuation systems for passenger ships
Operation of a ‘free fall’ type boat
Operation of a jet-propelled fast rescue craft
– Audit and consultancy assignments. ENSM CESAME puts its skills at your service in the following areas:
Operation of your life-saving appliances
Evacuation procedures
Drafting of DUPs, abandonment and fire roles
Support during the construction of a ship: choice of equipment, positioning of life-saving appliances and equipment, etc.
ENSM fire simulator
Composed of several containers:
2 x 40p, and 2x 20p + & additional 20p for the technical part.
75 m2 of indoor space and 75m2 of outdoor decks dedicated to training. Spread over 3 levels, the equipment provides a realistic simulation of a ship’s environment. Equipped with a fire point under the parquet floor and two multi-purpose points set up in a modular volume, the ENSM simulator can represent various cabin or deep-fryer fires.
The containers and accessories delivered in May 2016 took three days to assemble mechanically, set up, level off the floor, fit the railings and ladders, and pipe. Around fifteen days were then devoted to finalising the wiring and piping, and then to adjusting the fire points, the smoke generator and the booster to supply the fire main. At the same time, small items of equipment such as hoses, lances, balaclavas and gloves were received and stored.
The adaptation of the premises essentially involved converting the existing changing rooms into fire-fighting changing rooms with a dedicated storage area.
The simulator and the training course on driving and operating the container were received by the ENSM in July, enabling the preparation and inventory of the equipment to be completed and the teaching sessions to be prepared over the summer.
The CESAME instructors have undergone training with the dual aim of improving their skills and validating the teaching sequences. The CESAME teachers are supervised by four firefighters from the Saint-Malo fire station who are specialists in level 3 ship fires. They will be the technical referents and will work at the ENSM in pairs with the marine teachers.

The development of this simulator has enabled ENSM to increase its expertise and take over the teaching delivered to its students by private training organisations until July 2016.
Preparation for the advanced firefighting qualification certificate (CQALI), for team leadership, with dummy, smoke generator, communication techniques, team management) is carried out on the ENSM intramurros site.
Revalidation for sailors: 4 days with CAEERS with free fall, TIS (raft and wetsuit), FBLI, CQALI.
For first-year students: L1 and Lycées maritimes: 5 days to acquire all the CFBS practical lessons.
Membre de l'IASST
ENSM CESAME is a member of IASST (International Association for Safety and Survival Training).
31 Terre-Plein des Servannais, 35400 Saint-Malo
Phone : +33(0)9 70 00 03 17