Maritime Engineering Specialty, Ship Eco-Management | EGN

The EGN Track

The Ship Eco-Management (EGN) track is one of the two engineering tracks validated by the Engineering Titles Commission (CTI) and taught in Nantes during the two master’s years of the maritime engineering cycle, along with the Deployment and Maintenance of Offshore Systems (DMO) track.

The EGN track addresses the optimization of energies on board, including waste treatment, ecological orientation of construction, use of ships, and their deconstruction.

The targeted career opportunities are:

  • Consulting engineer for a shipping company or shipyard,
  • Lead engineer within a certification society,
  • Consulting engineer for an administration or a company invested in the concept of clean ship…


Engineering students have:

  • A minimum 4-week technician-level internship to be carried out outside the school period before entering Master 2
  • An end-of-studies internship of 24 weeks (6 months) at the engineer level integrated into their training curriculum: this internship takes place during their last school year (Master 2) from February to July.