2025 – Internship03 – Hydrostructure & FOWT
d2m has been studying for many years the interactions between waves and floating structures for offshore applications. The theory mostly used in this domain is the radiation-diffraction theory, and d2m has several software to perform associated calculations (Hydrostar, AQWA…).
However, new applications might require to bring some modifications to the usual method:
• d2m is often involved in the design of innovative concepts for long vessels or non ship-shape units where the usual hydro-structural theories would need to be implemented.
• the Morison theory, although less valid on typical vessels, can sometimes present advantages, such as:
o Being particularly adapted to slender bodies, which can be seen on floaters for FOWT
o Being quite easily applicable compared to radiation-diffraction theory (which requires specific software)
The purpose of this internship is to extend the ability of d2m to perform hydro-structural analyses particularly of FOWT floaters.
For this purpose, the following tasks are planned:
• Exhaustive look at the scientific literature on the topic
• Use of Morison theory and comparison with radiation diffraction approach
• Development of internal routines in order to quickly create numerical model within d2m software (Hydrostar, Orcaflex, …)
• Validation/Calibration against available data
• Documentation
• d2m tools for automation of calculations (Orcaflex, Hydrostar…)
• Routines for automation
• Associated numerical model(s)
• Validation/Calibration and sensitivity analysis report
• Engineering office work. None or few displacements
• Based in d2m Engineering offices at Six-fours-les-plages (83)
• Office time: from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 18:30
You can send us your CV and cover letter to Aurélien SABATIER :