
M/Y 44 M proposed, position of Lieutenant upgradeable to Second Captain 20/04/25

M/Y 43 M is offering an upgradeable position of Second Mate for the Mediterranean season from 20 April 2025 in Cannes (flexibility + or – 3 days possible) until the end of October 2025.

Hello all M/Y 43M commercial register, flying Maltese flag, offers position of Lieutenant evolutive second captain for the right candidate.

Season programme Western Mediterranean then Eastern from the end of July. This position is for a young officer already with some experience, with a planned evolution to the position of second captain from mid-September.

Profile required:
– Brevetée minimum chef de quart 500 idéalement 3000 pour les connaissances nécessaires en tant que futur 2nd capitaine.
– Minimum significant experience in similar positions.
– Up-to-date medical certificate
– Up-to-date STCW module
– French-speaking (working language on board)
– Fluency in English
– Humble
– Orderly and methodical
– Pleasant to live with (excellent working atmosphere on board, which we value ;)).
– A certificate in machinery (250kw or more) would be a plus.

The contractual conditions are as follows:
– Scheduled embarkation date: 20 April 2025 (Flexibility 3 days)
– Scheduled landing date: 30 October 2024
– International Edge contract (Planète mer service) under Maltese regime including French unemployment rights.
– Gross monthly salary 3,750 Euros + 3.2 days paid holiday per month + end-of-season bonus corresponding to 1 month’s salary paid at the end of the season for 6 months’ service or pro rata.
This means that the salary, including holiday, is €4,150 per month on board.
Including the end-of-season bonus, we are talking about a smoothed salary of €4,775 per month excluding Tips.
The Second Captain’s salary is €5,000 per month + 3.2 days‘ holiday (€534) + end-of-season bonus corresponding to 1 month’s salary paid at the end of the season for 6 months’ service or pro rata.
Including holiday and end-of-season bonus, we are talking about a smoothed salary of €6,367.3 per month excluding Tips.

– Contract covered by the social security system, paid in full by the shipping company and including social security and unemployment contributions.
– Retirement contributions paid 3/4 by the shipping company, with the remaining 125 Euros per month on board to be paid by the sailor.
– Travel costs from home to the ship for embarkation and disembarkation fully covered by the shipping company.
– Vessel MLC compliant

Please send your CV with photos and at least two references to


You can send us your CV and cover letter to THOMAS LAUNAY :